Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bullying is a Crime

I'm taking  a break from my story because recently I read an article on Psychology Today that held the opinion that bullies are just as much as a victim as the person they bullied. That consequences for the actions despite what might have happened to the person they bullied should be the last thing on the agenda and instead should be showered with love, sympathy, understanding, and have long talks about why this is wrong. I was disturbed by this. I can agree that bullies deserve a second chance and should seek some sort of therapy to truly understand how awful what they did was, but when a child dies or commits a crime as direct result of the bullying how can the bully not be held responsible. If I had gone through with my suicidal thoughts I hope my parents would have tried to pursue homicide charges on my behalf because that is what that is. They push a person until they think they have no worth and in a sense convince a person that their best option is death and in some cases some people lash out instead with a screw you mentality. When you think the whole world hates you and no one cares. When you think that you have nothing to loose to those kids who decided on violence towards others instead of themselves they didn't think about consequences because in their world they had already lost everything.  Bullies whether people like it or not have blood on their hands and the only way to get through to people that it's not okay to bully is if there are severe consequences for those actions. No kid is going to care much about a slap on the wrist, but if a victim of bullying can prove and it's more than word against word jail time should be brought up along with mandatory counseling for both sides. Counseling for the bully to help them understand how wrong what they did was and for the victim to help them understand the world doesn't hate them.

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